Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm a Horrible Blogger

Since I said I was going to start blogging again...and I lied (oops), I figured I'd try and get back in it with something easy...

So I stole this from Liz (go visit her):

A. Age – 23.
B. Bed size – Double, and it's tiny.
C. Chore that you hate – Vacuuming, I hate getting the vacuum out of the closet.
D. Dogs – my little Wendy (when she's not living with my parents).
E. Essential start to your day – The Today Show while getting ready.
F. Favorite color – umm, that depends on my mood, I've been digging purple lately though.
G. Gold or silver – I flip flop on that one a lot, depends on what my favorite piece of jewelry of the day is.
H. Height – 5’6"
I. Instruments you play – Used to play the clarinet in band. (I was horrible) 
J. Job title – In a few days (hopefully) I'll be a front desk receptionist at the Y. 
K. Kids – Oh no no no.
L. Live – Abilene.
M. Mother’s name – Charla:)
N. Nicknames – Hay, Hales, and whatever else anyone calls me...there are some really random ones at times.
O. Overnight hospital stays – never.
P. Pet peeves – When people clear their throat in that gross hocking a lougy way. Grosses me out. 
Q. Quote from a movie – From one of my favorite movies, Love Story.
Jenny: You're gonna flunk out if you don't study. 
Olliver: I am studying. 
Jenny: Bullshit. You're looking at my legs. 
Oliver: You know, Jenny, you're not that great looking. 
Jenny: I know. But can I help it if you think so? 
R. Right or left handed – Right.
S. Siblings – Older brother.
T. Time it takes you to get ready – Depends. I can be ready in 10 mins or up to an hour and a half, depending on how pretty someone needs me to look.
U. Underwear – yeah, no thanks. Skip.
V. Vegetable you hate – I'm not a big fan of brussel sprouts.
W. What makes you run late –  Sleeping in the morning, lately I haven't been able to drag myself out of bed.
X. X-rays you’ve had – I've had so many it's not even funny: ankle, foot, shoulder, thumb, pelvic (broke my tailbone snowboarding).
Y. Yummy food you make – I think I'm a horrible cook, but I can make a mean chicken spaghetti.
Z. Zoo animal – Oh my, the otters. I love otters...I can watch them for hours and hours, even if they're just sleeping. 

And done...
Link up if you want me to read yours! And go read Liz's as well!