Friday, September 23, 2011

Hard Work

I let myself go a few years ago...
wow. Feels good to actually come clean and say that. My freshmen year of college I stopped working out and starting eating/drinking crap. I had always grown up eating very healthy (My mom has Juvenille Diabetes so she didn't keep sweets or cokes in the house). I didn't think I was eating particullarly healthy, it was just what I knew. And since the 7th grade I had played all kinds of sports.

Well with all that freedom I gained weight...alot of weight. I had some bad influences in my life and wasn't caring about myself.

Last August I started attending spin classes and fell in love. And even more recently (in May) I started doing Muscle Pump classes and I'm now hooked. Ive dropped 2 sizes and I'm working on more.

I don't ever want to go back to that weight.
I'm not at my goal yet and I still make mistakes and skip workouts but I'm much happier with the way I look and feel.
(And that feeling is magnified when someone tells me how great I look).

I'm going to my consultation for CrossFit next week and hopefully I won't be too scared to join.
But isn't that what this whole journey is about?
Putting myself in "scary" situations...if it was all about being comfortable then I wouldn't have changed.

(Left-2008; Right-2011)
(Sorry about the scary camera phone eyes)


  1. Soooo nice to bump into you this weekend, Haley!! Thanks so much for saying hi! :)

  2. good for you! It's excited to see someone accomplishing their goals :)
