Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Must-read Blogs {Part One}

I have been following different blogs for about 2 years now but have never stuck with writing my own. I always seem to fall off the wagon when I don't have anyone reading it, but I've decided to stick with it this time because without struggle there is no progress. I have a list of must read blogs that I visit daily, I have never met any of these ladies but I feel as if I have a friendship with them through the reading of their funny, witty, and stylish blogs...

{First up is Liz from From Portland to Peonies.}

I just began following her blog about a week ago but man, she takes the most amazing pictures and she looks just like my best friend, Leanne, so I can't help but feel a connection with her.

{Next is Kendi from Kendi Everyday.}

To say this girl has fabulous style is an understatement. She was the first blog I read from the beginning to now...I love her quirky sense of humor and the fact that she's a Texan and went to college in the same town as I do makes me feel even closer to her!

{Now we have Taylor from Sterling Style.}

To say that Taylor has amazing style is an understatement. I wish I had the cajones to dress like her...but ever since I started reading her blog daily I have begun to wear job well done Taylor!

{Next must-reads to follow...}


  1. Honored to be grouped with these ladies! Thanks for reading :) We all started with 0 followers. Just stick with it, be genuine, post interesting content and the readers will come!!

  2. I visited all 3 of them and they are indeed very inspiring!

    I would agree with Liz: everybody starts with 0 followers and it takes some time for people to get to know you! But they will if you provide them good content and if you start interracting with them:)

    Following you now on Google, I would love it if you followed me back!

    Stories and Sequins

  3. Welcome (back) to blog world:-) You can do it! Just have fun with it! I have to agree: these ladies are fab.u.lous. xoxo
